Regional Planning Advisory Committees

This map shows the geographic locations of Regional Planning Advisory Committees in Mono County. Click on an area for more information.


Purpose of RPACs

  1. The purpose of Mono County's Regional Planning Advisory Committees is to advise the Mono County Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, and Planning Division on the development, review, implementation and update of the Mono County General Plan and associated Area / Community Plans. In order to accomplish this purpose, RPACs may:
  2. Conduct and facilitate community planning meetings.
  3. Provide assistance to the Planning Division and other County staff in identifying local planning issues, including community development constraints and opportunities.
  4. Assist in preparing, reviewing and commenting on proposed community vision statements, planning policy and implementing ordinances affecting the local area, including proposals of Mono County, the Mono County Local Transportation Commission, the Mono County Collaborative Planning Team, and other requesting agencies.
  5. Review at least once a year the adequacy and applicability of local General Plan policies.
  6. Assist County staff to conduct planning studies in support of community planning efforts and plan implementation, including rezoning studies.
  7. Review and comment on proposed plans and environmental studies prepared by other agencies that may impact the local area or conflict with existing community plans.
  8. Assist in the development and review of capital improvement plans for Mono County, the Local Transportation Commission, and other requesting agencies.
  9. Serve as a community forum and information clearinghouse on community planning issues.